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Discover our selection of filter fillers: sand, glass or cartridge, adaptable to all types of filters, for swimming pools and spas.

Did you know that 80% of water treatment is done through filtration?

By retaining the largest polluting agents and insoluble particles, filtration facilitates disinfection because it allows faster and more effective action of treatment products.

The best-selling filters are the sand or glass filter and the cartridge filter. But which filter media should you choose?

Filter Sand

Advantages :

  • Filter media very affordable to purchase

  • Sufficient filtration fineness between 20 and 40 µm

  • Good lifespan


  • Requires frequent backwashing to prevent clogging of the filter, which causes additional water consumption

  • Creation of a biofilm which decreases filtration performance

  • The sand requires 2 chemical cleanings per year with a sand filter cleaner to avoid scaling up


Filter Glass

Advantages :

  • Eco-friendly material

  • Offers a fineness of filtration of 15 microns, which is excellent for an above ground pool

  • Requires less backwashing and less treatment products

  • No risk of seeing a biofilm form, therefore no reduction in performance

  •   Adding a flocculant provides exceptional fine filtration


  •   More expensive to buy than sand

Filter Cartridge

Advantages :

  • Very limited footprint

  • Inexpensive to install

  • Easy to install (no need to provide a connection to the sewer)

  • Easy to clean with a hose and brush

  • Excellent filtration quality



  • Cartridge with limited life: must be replaced every 600 to 1000 hours of use

  • Must be disassembled to clean cartridge

  • Frequent cleaning (about twice a week in high season)

  • Gets dirty very quickly with hard water

  • Not compatible with a PHMB-based treatment, with flocculant and certain algaecides.


Sand, glass or cartridge, it is important to clean your filtering load regularly and change it maximum every 3 to 5 years for sand and glass, and every 600 to 1000 hours for cartridges.

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